Tag Archives: DNC

WATCH: Abby Martin Explains How Bernie Endorsing Hillary Would Be Disasterous

Investigative journalist Abby Martin got heated during an interview with Paul Jay of The Real News when he said he felt that Trump had a worse foreign policy than Hillary. And she was right.

In a heated debate between herself and Paul Jay of The Real News yesterday, Abby Martin gave her reasoning for not supporting Bernie Sanders if he decided to endorse Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton has a disastrous foreign policy when it comes to carrying out human rights abuses, toppling governments and anything imperialistic that gives wet dreams to neo-conservatives in Washington at night. For Bernie Sanders to endorse her would go directly against everything he’s spoken against throughout his entire presidential campaign for the Democratic Party.

FBI Director Says No Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton

Just hours before Hillary Clinton’s first joint campaign appearance with President Obama, FBI director James B. Comey stated that he does not recommend criminal charges against the former Secretary of State.

Despite calling Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for classified emails “extremely careless”, Comey said today that he does not recommend filing criminal charges against the presumptive Democratic nominee. Comey said that an ordinary government official could have faced at least an administrative sanction. He also said there was no evidence that she or her lawyers had intentionally deleted or withheld any emails.

The FBI questioned Clinton on Saturday, only a couple days after it was reported that former president Bill Clinton had held a meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch who is responsible for the government’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Lynch later said she would take the FBI’s lead on whether or not to prosecute Hillary.

Hillary had denied that her husband’s meeting with Lynch had anything to do with the email investigation, but critics are extremely skeptical. Not only has Hillary withheld transcripts from speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs, but she even withheld roughly 50,000 pages of emails that she claimed were personal and had nothing to do with work, according to the New York Times.

Bernie Sanders Tells Democratic Party To ‘Wake Up’ In NYT Op-Ed Regarding Brexit

In a scathing overview of how Brexit demonstrates the failures of the global economy, presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders pens an op-ed for the New York Times

“Surprise, surprise. Workers in Britain, many of whom have seen a decline in their standard of living while the very rich in their country have become much richer, have turned their backs on the European Union and a globalized economy that is failing them and their children.” — Bernie Sanders, New York Times

In his usual onslaught of alarming statistical data, the U.S. Senator from Vermont, and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders tells the DNC to focus on the real issue that matters above all else: economic inequality. While many critics of Brexit are focused on the xenophobic aspect of the historic vote last Friday, they may fail to see how economic inequality activists like him would take a stance against the EU at this time, but they would basically be blind to say so.

Senator Bernie Sanders isn’t supporting neo-nationalism. He’s simply using Brexit as the most current example of how difficult life has become for ordinary people throughout the world.

He points to how, in America, nearly 60,000 factories have shut down over the past 15 years or so, disintegrating more than 4.8 million factory jobs along with it, attributing this disasterous change to free-trade agreements that have repeatedly encouraged corporations to move their operations to the cheapest bidder overseas. He accurately explains how the average male worker in the United States today actually makes $726 less than he did in 1973, and points out the even worse downgraded salary for females who make $1,154 less than they did in 2007.

In another article today, we examined how the Brexit could effect America, but Bernie really sums it up by saying,

That increasingly globalized economy, established and maintained by the world’s economic elite, is failing people everywhere. Incredibly, the wealthiest 62 people on this planet own as much wealth as the bottom half of the world’s population — around 3.6 billion people. The top 1 percent now owns more wealth than the whole of the bottom 99 percent. The very, very rich enjoy unimaginable luxury while billions of people endure abject poverty, unemployment, and inadequate health care, education, housing and drinking water.

Could this rejection of the current form of the global economy happen in the United States? You bet it could.

Read the entire New York Times piece here.

Max Klaassen
Public enema xenomorphic robot from the dimension Zrgauddon.

WATCH: Here’s What Bernie Really Said On MSNBC This Morning

Once again, MSNBC pretends that Bernie Sanders is done with his campaign, twisting what he said out of context in order to spread disinformation and urge him to concede (Hint: he’s not conceding before July 25th).

If you didn’t think a “reputable” news source like MSNBC could stoop to the level of Fox News this year, you’re naive.

This entire presidential election season has been riddled with a media blackout against Bernie Sanders of unprecedented proportion, blowing the minds of millennials and re-igniting the call to revolution by Baby Boomers and Generation Xers who believe in his message that crony capitalism and an eroding middle class has got to stop. Between ridiculously large super PACs and a hidden agenda predetermined since at least early 2015, when superdelegates were polled to the tune of almost 100% of them pledging for Hillary Clinton before the race even started, it’s obvious that the mainstream media has been bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

That’s why, when asked if he would vote for Hillary Clinton in November to defeat Trump and Bernie Sanders gave a hypothetical “yes” to the newscasters at MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning, I was not shocked to see the channel immediately post “BREAKING NEWS — SANDERS: ‘YES’ I’LL VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON” at the bottom of the screen. This is the sort of sound bite they’ve been foaming at the mouth for since long before the California primary and, in their minds, they finally got it.

What did he actually say? In the video below, you can see he was clearly talking about voting for her to beat Donald Trump, not because he wants her as president. He clearly goes on to explain his stance in detail, even saying,

“My job is to fight for the strongest possible platform in the Democratic convention and, as we speak, in St. Louis that is going on right now. And that means a platform that represents working people, that stands up to Big Money interests. I don’t want to parse words. What I am trying to do right now is to make sure that the Democratic Party becomes a party that represents working people, not Wall Street, that is prepared to have an agenda speaks to the need of creating millions of jobs, raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour, dealing with climate change, dealing with pay equity.”

And even after saying this, they STILL pressured him for an answer to whether or not he would be officially conceding. He answered in his well-recognized firm and asserted political stance with,

“Why would I want to do that when I want to fight to make sure we have the best platform that we possibly can, that we win the most delegates that we can. The goal of our campaign was to transform this nation.”

The sad part is that any loyal fans of the news station tuning in without their volume up wouldn’t have heard Sanders go on to explain how, right now, the importance should be on turning the Democratic Party in a party that actually represents the people.

What’s worse is that the newscasters asked if he thought the “disunity” within the party would put Hillary at a disadvantage against Donald Trump in the general election. The REAL ISSUE here is within the Senator’s answer to the question, an issue they really don’t seem to care much about,

“You talk about ‘disunity’, I’m talking about involving the American people in the political process and wanting to have a government and a party that represents all of us. When you have disunity, what we’re talking about is kids can’t afford to go to college, or leaving college $50,000 in debt, people dying because they don’t get to a doctor when they should. Talk about disunity is the fact that we have 47 million people living in poverty.”

WATCH: Get the context for Bernie’s conversation about fixing the DNC, restoring the middle class, and the negative effects of corporate globalization in the video below:

The newscasters have a hard time moving on from Bernie’s answer, and that’s because they don’t want to talk about what he’s talking about. All they care about is ratings, and that’s because they make more money than the average working class American. This attitude from the mainstream media makes Bernie’s very presence only that much more defiant and strengthens his platform. They are giving him a medium in which to reach a very large audience, something they’ve barely done over the course of the 2016 primary season.

Lars Beniger
Lars is a freelance journalist, part-time activist, copywriter and technical writer residing in the Manhattan, New York area. For 7 years, Lars has reported on current events, political spars, technology and environmental issues.

Romanian Hacker Guccifer 2.0 Leaks 261 Documents From DNC Servers

Romanian hacker Guccifer 2.0 shared another generous excerpt from their treasure trove of stolen government server documents on Thursday.

Last week, a free and anonymous WordPress blog set up by someone calling themselves Guccifer 2.0 was widely shared on social media purporting to contain documents the hacker stole from the Democratic National Convention and Hillary Clinton. While that blog post only contained a little less than 10 documents, today the hacker shared yet another much larger load of documents, including some regarding The Clinton Foundation, and gave an interview to VICE magazine’s technology division Motherboard.

This release, Guccifer 2.0 says, is making good on his promise from a week ago, but it is still unclear as to whether it proves any criminal wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton or the DNC. However, it does show some major donors (presumably Super PAC donors) including Steven Spielberg, Bill Maher, Chelsea Handler and others, along with a list of Hillary’s speeches (no transcripts, unfortunately).

Despite the hacker claiming to be Romanian and hating “being attributed to Russia,” an official from the DNC, Motherboard reports, said in an emailed statement,

“our experts are confident in their assessment that the Russian government hackers were the actors responsible for the breach detected in April, and we believe that the subsequent release and the claims around it may be a part of a disinformation campaign by the Russians.”

All of the files contained in the zip file, now being widely spread online, are dated in April of 2016, so it does correlate at least to the time frame of the suspected hack of the DNC earlier this year.

Bernie Sanders: Election ‘Not Rigged’, Revolution Will Continue After The Convention

Bernie Sanders apparently does not agree with most of his hardcore supporters who feel the Democratic Primary has been rigged in Hillary Clinton’s favor.

Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders visited his home town of Burlington, VT to discuss the state of the campaign with his top advisers today, concluding with an appearance to give a statement to the media regarding his plans and briefly send his condolences to the families of those who perished in the Orlando mass shooting last night.

While Sanders reiterated his plan to carry the campaign through to the bitter end at the Democratic National Convention on July 25th, he emphasized an important tenet of his platform: this is a “political revolution” that “does not stop on election day.”

This point was further supported with his call to young Americans to get involved in politics on the local level by showing up to meetings, campaigning for political positions, and continuing to vote after November.

One major aspect of Sanders’ campaign that marks the stark contrast between him and the two presidential front-runners, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, is his continued emphasis on young people becoming more politically aware and sticking to their convictions until they see the change they are looking for.

A couple weeks ago, Sanders told CBS news that he didn’t feel the election was rigged against him, but that the entire process was very “dumb” and has a lot of problems, especially the issue of superdelegates:

“I wouldn’t use the word rigged, because we knew what the words were – but what is really dumb is that you have closed primaries, like in New York state, where three million people who are Democrats or Republicans could not participate, where you have situation where over 400 superdelegates came on board Clinton’s campaign before anybody else was in the race, eight months before the first vote was cast. That’s not rigged. I think it’s just a dumb process which has certainly disadvantaged our campaign.”

Many of his supporters feel that this is either wrong or basically the same thing as being “rigged”. Those who feel he is wrong to say this are most likely some who experienced one of the many effects of voter suppression, such as voter registrations being purged from databases, party affiliations being mysteriously switched and the obvious discrepancy between exit polls and vote tallies. California, especially, seemed to carry some of the strangest problems, such as how certain voters needed to know a password to get a ballot and a massive difference in the number of registered voters vs. the number of votes tallied.

Those who feel the system is set up against them are pretty much in agreement with Bernie and have vowed to continue the struggle, as he suggests, and carry the revolution beyond the convention in July.

Lars Beniger
Lars is a freelance journalist, part-time activist, copywriter and technical writer residing in the Manhattan, New York area. For 7 years, Lars has reported on current events, political spars, technology and environmental issues.

WATCH: Lee Camp Says This Election Fraud Lawsuit Could Actually Save Us

An official lawsuit that is being filed against the DNC regarding the discrepancy with exit polls versus electronic voting machine tallies has now morphed into including the cancellation of exit polls for California and New Jersey shortly before the primaries were held last Tuesday.

If you haven’t already noticed, there has been quite the outrage from the Bernie Sanders campaign and supporters regarding voter disenfranchisement and election fraud. For instance, California is in the midst of its own debacle over why so many voters had their party affiliation switched or were removed from registration altogether.

On RT America’s Redacted Tonight, featuring comedian and social commentator Lee Camp, author and professor of political science Bob Fitrakis and lawyer Cliff Arnebeck from the Institute for american democracy and election integrity were featured in a video showing Arnebeck’s assertion that they have enough evidence that Hillary Clinton benefited from election fraud that they will be filing an official lawsuit against her campaign for election fraud and racketeering.

Cliff Arnebeck is the chair of the Legal Affairs Committee of Common Cause Ohio and a national co-chair and attorney for the Alliance of Democracy, which gives him a bit more push than just your random Bernie Sanders activist from the millennial generation.

Watch the video below for Lee Camp’s take on how voters can take action against voter fraud this year:

Lars Beniger
Lars is a freelance journalist, part-time activist, copywriter and technical writer residing in the Manhattan, New York area. For 7 years, Lars has reported on current events, political spars, technology and environmental issues.