Bernie’s Secret Weapon: Write-in Votes

3. The Write-in Candidacy

In a viral Facebook post that has since been removed, an avid Bernie supporter stated he had heard from a friend who was heavily involved in the Sanders campaign that they had already filed the necessary paperwork for getting permission to run as a write-in candidate. Write In Votes Bernie Unfortunately, this theory was debunked by the guy who wrote this post himself and said it was “speculation” which amounted to misinformation and most likely isn’t true, which I found to be a great big bum-out. This guy could also have lied to me for the sake of damage control after accidentally letting the cat out of the bag. However, some folks have stated that they called certain Boards of Elections to find out if Sanders had filed as an independent or a write-in where he needed to and was told he hadn’t. Again, more speculation from the more paranoid types have concluded that the BOE’s can often lie as well. Aren’t politics great?!

One thing is for sure, though: if it’s true that by February 2016 the Bernie Sanders’ campaign managed to get permission from all 50 states to be on the ballot as an independent or allow write-in votes, we could be looking at one heck of a general election!

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