Tag Archives: Democratic Convention

WATCH: Melissa Dykes Explains What Really Happened At The Democratic Convention

From white noise machines to isolated black outs and more, reporter and activist Melissa Dykes reviews all the madness of the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia this summer

People have long suspected the Democratic Party of being corrupt and not really “of the people”, but reporter/activist Melissa Dykes didn’t expect to see the length to which the Democratic establishment would go to suppress supporters of Bernie Sanders. Of course, the DNC emails had been leaked by Wikileaks the Friday prior to the convention, but to see the suppression in action was something else altogether. As Dykes points out in her video, it’s almost surreal to see the extent to which the establishment insisted on shutting down democracy at their own convention.

Watch the video below from Dykes’ Youtube channel Truth Stream Media:

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Officially Placed In Nomination For Roll Call Vote

The Sanders campaign spokesperson Michael Briggs confirmed today that Bernie will be placed in nomination for a roll-call vote

After a moment of unease during Bernie Sanders opening speech to delegates today urging support for Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, a hot mic captured Jane Sanders words that rang music to Berners’ ears:

They don’t know that your name is being put in nomination, that’s the concern.

Campaign spokesperson Michael Briggs later confirmed that Bernie is indeed being placed in the roll-call vote for nomination.

Watch the video of Jane Sanders on the hot mic below:

Leaked DNC Documents Prove Offers of Bribery From Staffers

Leaked documents showing bribes in the form of donations circulating between DNC officials in April could raise legal questions for a party already in turmoil]

Emails and documents contained in the Wikileaks release suggest that top DNC officials were planning on handing out political positions in return for donations, essentially a circle of bribery happening at the top of the Democratic party.

Ken Boehm, the chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group, has issued a warning to the Democratic National Committee via The Daily Caller:

“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party. That is unethical, if not illegal.”

This news is among a series of reports of cronyism and election rigging against Bernie Sanders and in favor of Hillary Clinton within emails between DNC staffers that were released through Wikileaks on Friday.

The emails regarding appointing of federal political positions started with an email chain in April where the DNC’s national finance director, Jordan Kaplan, asked other staffers to provide the names of donors to be appointed. Kaplan wrote on April 20,

“Last call for boards and commissions. If you have someone, send to [DNC finance chief of staff Scott] Comer – full name, city, state, email and phone number. Send as many as you want, just don’t know how many people will get to.”

To which Scott Comer followed up with,

“Any folks who you’d like to be considered to be on the board of (for example) USPS, NEA, NEH. Basically anyone who has a niche interest and might like to serve on the board of one of these orgs. I should say, though, that the likelihood of landing a spot on ones as prestigious as NEA/USPS is unlikely. It’s much more likely they’ll get something like ‘President’s Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History.’ (no shade to women) But when you submit your names, we don’t need specific designations.”

Boehn told The Daily Caller that this is strong evidence of a quid pro quo.

For a more thorough and investigative analysis of the email chain, see Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments at The Daily Caller by Chuck Ross.

UPDATE: These emails prove that the DNC actually violated federal laws regarding elections.