Category Archives: Energy

Simultaneous Observation Might Change Our Understanding of Quantum Mechanics

New data could shed light on a decades old gap in understanding quantum mechanics – but how?

There is no shame in struggling to conceptualize quantum mechanics, considering some of the best minds on the planet struggle as well. In fact, the field of study has been confusing for even the most forward-thinking, capable scientists. The new piece of data can be gleaned from a complicated but relatively easy to grasp experiment, published March second, 2015, entitled Simultaneous observation of the quantization and the interference pattern of a plasmonic near-field.

This new event was possible through a collaboration of the Laboratory for Ultrafast Microscopy and Electron Scattering of EPFL, the Department of Physics of Trinity College (US) and the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The image was rendered by EPFL’s ultrafast energy-filtered transmission electron microscope. There are currently only 2 such microscopes in the world.

Before now, traditional understanding of quantum mechanics has not been able to explain why some subatomic features can behave as a simultaneous particle or a wave. The often-referenced experiments demonstrating the effect of observation always left me asking why you can’t try both at the same time. No experiment was able to capture both states of light simultaneously.  Science has only been able to record evidence of a light as waves or particles; this new photograph captures an image of both from the exact same moment in time. Finally, an novel experiment was devised, developed and executed, simultaneous observation.


Traditional particle/wave observation works like this: ultraviolet light hits a metal surface causing the metal to emit electrons in a predictable, observable time-frame. Until Albert Einstein wrote about what he called the photoelectric effect, light was thought to be a  wave. Once the logic is understood this photoelectric effect is hard proof of light behaving as a particle, able to knock into other particles.

Researcher Fabrizio Carbone lead his team at EPFL as they performed a modified version of : using electrons to image light. The researchers have captured, for the first time ever, a single snapshot of light behaving simultaneously as both a wave and a stream of particles particle.

Carbone’s team was able to use nanotechnology to exploit the wave aspect of light to create a standing wave. They used a laser to direct a short pulse of light at a nano-thin metal wire. The light travels along the wire’s surface to create a standing wave on the other side. By running electricity through the wire and measuring the speed of that electron flow they were able to create an image of the wave aspect of the light during the pulse. The same electron-flow that was used to create the image of the wave traveled so close to the standing light-wave it actually had a measurable exchange of energy, as only a particle can do.

Fabrizio Carbone explains the significance: “This experiment demonstrates that, for the first time ever, we can film quantum mechanics – and its paradoxical nature – directly.”

I wonder what this new way of observing the same exact quantity of light in both states will mean in the developing applications which involve quantum theory. Carbone gives a great example, “Being able to image and control quantum phenomena at the nanometer scale like this opens up a new route towards quantum computing.”

Jonathan Howard
Jonathan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY

Climate Change Could Increase Economic Opportunity Alongside Hostile Conditions at Sea

The future of Earth’s oceans is getting more mysterious and interesting as climate change instigates new and sometimes unforeseen conditions. These changes have already created new opportunities for scientific study, technological advancement, and economic exploitation. Seafaring humans have long been at the forefront of scientific innovation because the sea is such a volatile, ever-changing aspect of the planet to explore. In the coming decades, Earth’s climate will morph into new modes faster than it has in the past, challenging humanity’s most formidable ability: the ability to adapt to new environments. Here’s a look at some nautical situations affected, and how tech is allowing us to adapt to living on the cutting edge between science fiction and often-times bleak meteorological fact.

Dead Water

Dead Water is a sailor’s slang for ocean surface conditions that cause a seemingly-mysterious lag in speed and steering disruption. Melting glaciers release a layer of near-freezing, fresh water into the warmer, salty ocean. Gradually, the freshwater will mix in with the seawater but the temperature and salinity differences cause pools of often times calm, freshwater to float on the surface of the more dense saltwater.

While the effect isn’t always visibly noticeable, a boat can become trapped or experience the sensation of being pulled and pushed around by waves created by disturbing the subsurface saltwater layer. The surface of the water remains calm, yet a boat can lose all control and become unable to resist ocean wave fluctuations taht can’t be seen on the surface at all. If the boat stops in dead water, there is no wake to pull it backward, and there is nothing churning up the deeper saltwater layer – it often seems like there is no current. When the boat tries to move again, the wave pulls it backwards, counter-intuitive to a sailor’s understanding of how wind or engine power should normally propel the boat.  This video really explains it better than words can. Check it out:

Storm Activity Will Affect Shipping and Trade Activity, World Economy

International shipping companies have a lot to lose if they don’t adapt. The adaptation process if often behind where it could be because trade corporations are unwilling to share  proprietary technology regarding safety and ETA projections when planning  and choosing optimum shipping routes. Many of these trade secrets seem to be of dubious cost effectiveness. but are increasing in effectiveness as demand increases. For example: Climatological Ship Resistance (CSR) analyzes the  historical wind and wave data in an attempt to predict conditions, an energy hog of a computer problem that requires additional personnel and training to use but are being used more and more as shipping companies struggle to remain competetive.   Predicting maritime weather is a huge tech industry that is relatively unknown outside the industry. Historically, isolated tech communities aren’t able to grow as fast or efficiently.

The shipping industry is enormous and it’s difficult to interpret the available data but delays, spoiled and lost cargo are all on the rise. Weather conditions can cause crowding at ports, as boats unexpectedly change destinations or show up ahead or behind schedule. A boat ahead of schedule is rare but can actually cause further delays. A currently unfolding drama at the the twin CA ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach where about 40 percent of all imports in the USA show up. Beginning in October of 2014, ships commonly languish offshore for days and weeks while other boats are unloading.


Climate change causes highly elevated levels of CO2 in the ocean which leads to ocean acidification and indirectly or directly threatens every type of edible ocean creature. A great example is the depressingly undeniable case of the shells of young oysters and other calcifying organisms getting thinner and weaker over time as the acidic ocean thins calcium in the shells. UK scientist-in-chief, Sir Mark Walport has warned that the acidity of the oceans is up by about 25% since the the industrial revolution began.

In a recent study, we’ve found most fish not fast enough at adapting to acidification, and humanity should expect to see massive species collapse int he coming decades. Tropical fish and lobstersT are changing locations as they take advantage of warmer sea climates popping up unexpectedly.  Tropical fish might be susceptible to more parasites in hotter water while lobsters overeat,  endangering other habitats and species.

Read more about Climate Change on Cosmoso:

Harvesting electricity from wave and riptide activity

Riptides are amazingly powerful underwater currents. Devices that can withstand deep ocean conditions yet also remain accessible for repairs and upgrades are currently under development and market experimentation. Riptides are particularly appropriate for energy harvesting because they are predictable and consistent. Check out this video to gain a sense of how powerful ocean currents can be.

Wave energy is a renewable resource that is gaining attention as fledgling efforts have had some success. Here’s a great description of the proposed and attempted wave harvesting operations.

Changes to transcontinental, submerged communication fiber-optic lines.

Harsher undersea conditions might make repairing existing internet and phone fiber-optics more complicated but confusing surface conditions can sometimes allow the security to be compromised, as industrial and international espionage operations attempt to hack or sabotage communication lines. On the positive side, thawing polar ocean regions are allowing a previously impossible transoceanic cable to be built. More details about underwater communication cables here.

New examples of climate change are likely to pop up. There are going to be unexpected aspects to Earth’s oceans in the coming years. Preparation and adaptability are crucial in order to properly take advantage of these conditions or protect ourselves from the effects. The smart move for the future economy and world health would be to increase science education and increase funding toward scientific research.

Jonathan Howard
Jonathan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY

What’s inside the first new US nuclear plant in two decades

By John Lee, University of Michigan

It’s been almost two decades since a new nuclear plant opened for business in the United States. But that’s about to change as construction wraps up on the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar Unit 2 (WB2) plant.

Completion of the plant’s construction, following a long hiatus, confirms the importance of nuclear power in the overall energy supply in the US and beyond. To some, its opening later this year heralds the beginning of a much-anticipated nuclear renaissance in the US.

Nine-inch-thick steel walls

It’s been a long and winding road for WB2. The project started in 1972 and was suspended in 1988 when the growth in power demand began to decline for TVA. Its sister unit, Watts Bar Unit 1, went on to open in May 1996, and was the last nuclear plant to do so in the United States.

Work resumed in 2007 on WB2. TVA says total construction investment to complete construction of the plant is in the range of US$4 to $4.5 billion, with commercial operation anticipated for late 2015 or early 2016. When operational, WB2 will add more than 1,100 megawatts of generating capacity to the TVA system – enough to power 650,000 homes.

Engineers started drawing up the plans for these two Tennessee reactors in the 1960s, so critics have said that Watts Bar 2 isn’t so much the first nuclear power plant of the 21st century but instead the last one of the 20th century. But it has successfully passed a number of pre-operational tests of key systems and confirmed that all equipment and facilities ordered or built 40 years ago have been properly refurbished and updated. WB2 meets the latest safety standards, including those instituted after the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan.

One example is the steel reactor vessel with nine-inch-thick walls that can withstand a system pressure of 2,250 pounds per square inch. It serves as an important barrier for any radioactive material produced in the reactor core during the operation of the plant.

In a nuclear power plant, rods of uranium fuel are submerged in a pool of water. Fission chain reactions in the nuclear fuel generate heat and, by circulating water through the reactor core, the power plant produces steam that turns a turbine to generate electricity. Water is continuously pumped through the reactor core to remove the heat and avoid overheating that could cause problems.

The WB2 plant uses a well-established pressurized water reactor design that forms the basis for approximately two-thirds of the 100 nuclear plants, which generate about 20% of the nation’s electricity. The design, construction, and operation of the plants rely on the principle of having multiple safety barriers, which is called defense in depth in the industry.

Prepared for the worst

A key safety feature of the plants is that the fission rates – or the rate of uranium chain reactions that create heat – will slow down if the cooling water temperature gets too high. That will reduce the power output and avoid overheating.

The 2011 Fukushima accident taught a valuable lesson when massive tsunami waves damaged four nuclear plants. In response, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandated new safety rules to lower the risk from this type of threat. Plants now have sheltered facilities where emergency equipment including power sources, pumps, hoses and communication devices are stored.

The Watts Bar site features 16-foot tall, 18-inch thick tornado-proof doors. The site is also served by one of two response centers at nearby Memphis, Tennessee, where five sets of portable emergency equipment are maintained.

The ice condenser containment building at Watts Bar 2 has come in for some criticism because it has a smaller volume than those at most other pressurized water reactors. It features beds of ice that could quench steam generated in major accidents and thus protect the reactor core and the containment building, the structure that encloses the reactor vessel and the core to prevent the escape of radiation in an emergency.

Eight other pressurized water plants in the US, including the Watts Bar Unit 1 and Sequoyah Unit 1, which is also in Tennessee, have similar ice condenser containments. In studies analyzing the risk associated with nuclear plants, the overall risk of operating the Sequoyah plant is estimated to be comparable to nuclear plants without ice water containment.

The need for nuclear energy

The world needs affordable, clean energy and entrepreneurs are working on figuring out new ways to generate it. Natural gas could be an inexpensive source of energy in the near term, but fracking technique used to extract it may pose substantial geological concerns and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Furthermore, combustion of natural gas produces a significant amount of greenhouse gases.

The Watts Bar 2 nuclear plant will use the Westinghouse AP1000 design, which is being used in other countries including China.

Even Bill Gates has established a company to develop and eventually build a so-called breeder reactor. This new type of nuclear reactor could operate with recycled used nuclear fuel and uranium tailings left over from enrichment plants. Breeder technology would help solve the problems associated with disposal of used nuclear fuel and at the same time produce affordable clean energy for the foreseeable future.

As the WB2 plant in 2015 and four other plants with the AP1000 nuclear power plant design prepare to go online over the next few years, nuclear deserves to take a prominent role as a carbon-free source of energy in the US.

The Conversation

This article was originally published on The Conversation.
Read the original article.