Experts call for a Pause on AI Development
Technology pioneers, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, have signed an open letter urging a “pause” on artificial intelligence (AI) de
Artificial Intelligence
Dark Energy Could Cause Universe To Multiply Like Gremlins
New research suggests that the mysterious force known as dark energy could lead to the creation of multiple “Big Bangs” and the birth of n
NASA’s Webb Telescope Discovers Massive Galaxies from Early Universe
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has made a significant discovery by spotting some of the most massive galaxies in the universe, which existed
Best Way To Solve Global Warming? Methane-Eating Bacteria
At a whopping 30 million metric tonnes annually, methanotrophic bacteria consume the most harmful and problematic greenhouse gas known as methane, and
Space Station Escaped The Threat of Debris From An Old Rocket
Can you imagine all of that floating space junk someday becoming a threat decades after it ends up in space? Just earlier today (Dec. 3) at around 3 a
How To Cautiously Use Vitamin D To Protect Yourself From COVID-19
Yes, vitamin D will help, but watch your levels. Exploring the link between Vitamin D and COVID-19 has been excruciatingly complex. At first you think
Fox News Contributor Steven Milloy Promotes Junk Climate Science On Twitter
Frequent contributor to Fox News Steven Milloy retweeted a Politico story about climate change to suggest that CO2 won’t kill Earth because Venu
Celestial Bodies
Elon Musk: Free Rides Under LA Coming Soon, Then DC To NYC
The tech entrepreneur recently tweeted that tunnels under Los Angeles were almost completed and that free rides under the city would be offered soon.
Legendary Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking Dead at 76
Easily the most famous scientist in the world, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76 peacefully at his home in Cambridge in the
China bans 553 car models in fight against smog
Beijing — China makes a massive move towards a smogless society with its ban of over 500 car models that have been proven to contribute to urban
Climate Change
Scientists discover how the brain’s hypothalamus controls ageing – and manage to slow it down
If you are reading this and you don’t smoke, then your major risk factor for dying is probably your age. That’s because we have nearly eliminated
Scientists Say There’s Plenty Of Wind Over Oceans To Power Entire Planet
If humans have enough turbines running in the ocean, we could generate enough electricity to power the entire human race, says new research from the N
Climate Change
Use Your Old Smartphone As A Free Web Server
There are all sorts of free web server apps, which are useful for hosting your own website from home without having to pay anything. Of course, you ar
6 Ways You Can Still Use Your Windows Phone
The announcement over the weekend that windows phones were now “dead” sounded severe, but the truth is that Microsft only means they won&#
Using Your Windows Phone For Media Only
If you end up not using your Windows Phone as an actual phone anymore because you bought a new one, you don’t need to let it collect dust on the
on Twitter

Cassini’s Last Moments In Space Before Landfall
For NASA’s Saturn explorer, the end will come all too quickly. Cassini, NASA’s explorer of Saturn, remaining life is now measured in just a few da
It rains solid diamonds on Neptune and Uranus
Scientists forecast rain storms of solid diamonds on two of the solar system’s most interesting planets The obvious question any entrepreneur mi
Celestial Bodies
Study Proves Exxon Spent Millions Misleading Public About Climate Change
An academic study published Tuesday in the journal of Environmental Research Letters at IOPScience provides more evidence that oil giant ExxonMobil sp
Climate Change
Elon Musk Posts New SpaceX Space Suit To Instagram
Eccentric billionaire Elon Musk posted an image of an astronaut in a SpaceX space suit to Instagram this week, saying it wasn’t just a mock-up a
Alternative currencies are the future: why it matters for development
When I began to teach in 2012, I decided to start my course with an analysis of how money affects social order. What my students found particularly fa
When I grow up, I want to be a researcher…
Jérémy Filet, Université de Lorraine and Lisa Jeanson, Université de Lorraine “So what’s your PhD topic again?”… Nowadays, this is the
Japanese space agency’s mission aims to uncover how moons of Mars formed
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has announced a mission to visit the two moons of Mars and return a rock sample to Earth. It’s a plan
Why Mexican immigrants are healthier than their US-born peers
Anna Waldstein, University of Kent Supporters of Donald Trump’s wall might have us believe that Mexicans who enter the US illegally carry disease an
The state of US forests: Six questions answered
Thomas J. Straka, Clemson University Editor’s note: The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, catalyzed a wave of laws to protect the environment and
We need to get rid of carbon in the atmosphere, not just reduce emissions
Eelco Rohling, Australian National University Getting climate change under control is a formidable, multifaceted challenge. Analysis by my colleagues