Reprogramming Your Brain to Overcome Fear

Often called “The New Einstein,” Olympia LePoint is best known for her role as an award-winning rocket scientist, science entertainer and educator driving to help people overcome fear. As an internationally-recognized science leader, LePoint helped launch NASA’s Endeavour, Discovery, Columbia, and Atlantis Space Shuttles. She successfully helped launch 28 Space Shuttle Missions into Space. She won The 2004 Boeing Company Professional Excellence Award, and The 2003 Engineer of the Year “Modern Day Technology Leader” Award. Mathaphobia: How You Can Overcome Your Math Fears and Become a Rocket Scientist is her debut self-help, educational book designed to empower adults and help students ace STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education.

As CEO of OL Consulting Corporation, LePoint publishes educational books and executive produces Science TV shows. With her extensive experience as a math professor, LePoint educates in person and through the media. As a top-five graduate, LePoint holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Mathematics, and a Master’s of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics from California State University Northridge. LePoint advises for educational PBS TV programming with Wind Dancer Films, coaches through keynote speeches and workshops, and is as a media personality for TV, Radio, News Publications and Social Media outlets.

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