Category Archives: Education

Teaching creativity: born that way or waiting for the muse?

By Josephine Scicluna, Deakin University

Recently one of my Masters students, a filmmaker from the Czech Republic, told me his friends back at home were completely baffled that he was in Australia studying creative writing. You were either creative or you were not, they told him. It wasn’t something you could be taught. Although not voiced in such an emphatic way by my undergraduate students, I’ve still encountered many who hold the suspicion that maybe it’s all just fluff.

What I’ve come to understand is that teaching creativity is not about dishing out a set of instructions how to do it, but much more about helping students to identify the kinds of situations or conditions they need for this receptiveness to occur. From there, they can learn to harness this creativity in exciting ways. But first I have to deal with the resistances.

Much of the resistance I’ve come across bears the vestiges of an 18th-century Romantic view of the artist as a genius, “a one of a kind, a great original” as Margaret Atwood describes in her book on writing, Negotiating with the Dead (2003).

You’re either born that way or not. Or, you have to wait for inspiration, divine or otherwise, to hit you from above, below or sideways. In either case, creativity appears as something outside of your control.

Misconceptions about originality are another factor in my students’ resistance and this can create a real confidence block. If they emulate others, they feel that this doesn’t count as creativity or else if they can’t think of something “completely new”, they think they can’t even begin and freeze up altogether.

But, once you start to break down this perception, and help them see that creativity is a sensory response and always happens on the back of something or someone else, then a space starts to open up. Here, “originality” gets recalibrated instead into a unique way of combination. The aesthetic operation at work here – the making of connections between one thing and another – is at the heart of the combinatorial game that creativity is, placing an emphasis on structure which in turn refracts and re-inflects all that “borrowed” or “stolen” content.

Stop thinking about it

One of the hardest ideas to grasp is the seeming paradox that creativity has little at all to do with the intellect. But saying don’t try too hard, or try not to think too much, is far too easy and not all that helpful. Instead, I ask my students to think about creativity as a kind of altered space and get them to think about what this feels like to them.

Everyone can call up an occasion when their experience of time felt out of kilter, or overheard a phrase that kept repeating in their minds with its own particular sound.

They might have been staring for hours at their screens trying to work but it was only in giving up and going to bed that creativity started to flow, just as their heads hit the pillow.

Or they might have walked into a building and felt their body react to the space in the sense that it is described by Peter Eisenman in his introduction to Elizabeth Grosz’s book Architecture from the Outside (2001). He writes of the affective somatic response that we have in architectural spaces arising from the virtual possibility of that architectural space, rather than from a perceptual or audible sensation.

Crossing the line

All of these experiences could be seen as forming thresholds of creativity. If we can foster a sensibility or receptiveness to them, the creative space almost feels palpable. In this sense creativity becomes an “other”, but, of course, never completely outside space.

In class, I present students with an array of perspectives and “methods” with the aim of demonstrating that we can be creative by not even necessarily beginning with an idea. For example, by playing with language itself we can start creating something as Hazel Smith describes in her 2005 book The Creative Writing Experiment.

For many years now, I’ve been presenting a series of extracts of experimental writing about place, including Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities (1972), which my students and I read together in class. Then I ask them to write about the street they grew up on.

The first time I ever did this I was struck by how much their writing had changed. Suddenly it was much more concrete, physical, located and more vivid than anything I’d seen them produce all semester. I saw an inclusion of the senses with a wonderful attention to the depth, breadth and height of the places and experiences they’d described. Also evident were traces of the initial extracts of writing presented for the exercise. These were combined into their writing in their own unique ways.

I could see their confidence growing when they recognised that doing an exercise like this created the space for creativity to happen. And it didn’t require an incredible effort.

Read other articles in our Creativity series here.

The Conversation

This article was originally published on The Conversation.
Read the original article.

Knowledge voyage: Are we ready?

We often deal with information and in fact have even gone beyond the information era. Knowledge in multiple forms is around us. Knowledge challenges are prevalent in many Sri Lankan workplaces. As Sri Lanka seeks to harness more knowledge for its development, a knowledge voyage is essential for Sri Lanka if it wants to grow economically.… Continue reading

Can we teach intelligence?

By Samuel Greiff, University of Luxembourg and Romain Martin, University of Luxembourg

Hardly any other psychological concept is as important to us as intelligence. We want to make intelligent choices, be able to keep up an intelligent conversation, and simply be intelligent people. Not surprisingly, scientists have investigated intelligent and less intelligent behaviour for decades. A wide array of different, sometimes even contradicting definitions of intelligence and tests of intelligence have emerged as result.

Despite much disagreement among scientists, there is agreement on one central argument: intelligence affects your life outcomes. Students with a higher level of intelligence perform better at school, they have also better chances of succeeding at work, and of climbing the social ladder during their careers. They even live longer.

This is good news for education. Just make students more intelligent and you make a huge contribution to society. But several costly programmes aimed at increasing students’ level of intelligence have yielded disappointing results: effects were either very limited in their nature or did not last over time. Take for example, the Head Start early years programme in the US, for which there is conflicting evidence about its long-term impact.

Bringing in problem solving

The central question remains whether it’s possible to teach intelligence. In a narrow sense of what we traditionally understand as intelligence – as efficient information processing made possible by some basic cognitive abilities – then it’s probably not possible.

But wider definitions of intelligence have begun to emerge. In this view, intelligence is not limited to a largely predefined set of basic cognitive abilities, but it also involves aspects of problem-solving and decision-making, of planning and strategic exploration, of testing hypotheses and adequately correcting them when they are wrong.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the convener of the world’s most important educational large-scale study, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), has given high priority to such a broadened understanding of intelligence.

The PISA study runs in three-year cycles and tests 15-year-old students in more than 70 countries across the globe. For the first time ever, the 2012 PISA assessments captured broad aspects of intelligent behaviour and problem solving. Under the label of “creative problem solving” students were asked to solve a number of tasks on the computer to demonstrate their proficiency in acting as good problem solvers.

This included, for instance, a problem situation in which students had to learn how to operate an automatic vacuum cleaner by observing its behaviour, deriving ideas on its functionality, testing these assumptions, and, in a final step, programming it to automatically clean a room. Through a number of other tasks, the PISA tests investigated how students reacted when confronted with new problem situations and how proficient they were at showing cognitive flexibility in these situations.

Unlocking intelligence.
Puzzle via valdis torms/Shutterstock

The set of cognitive skills targeted in the PISA problem-solving tests is broader than the traditional conception of intelligence. And the PISA research shows that cognitive problem-solving skills can be used in different settings, but that it’s clear these skills are markedly different from the traditional proficiency in maths, science and reading also tested by PISA.

Lessons for the classroom

Looking at the broader implications of this on our education systems, teaching and instruction in the 21st century should focus more on cognitive flexibility, on problem-solving and on those aspects of intelligence that are amenable to change. There are numerous ways to do this. These include teaching students strategies to increase self-monitoring and evaluation during problem-solving, or using teaching methods that facilitate deep rather than shallow understandings of the structure that underlies new problems.

All these methods boil down to the need to provide students with as many active problem-solving learning opportunities as possible. This will allow them to actively explore new problems and equip them with a flexible network of problem-solving strategies. So if we’re looking at a broader understanding of intelligence that also endorses cognitive flexibility and problem solving, it might be possible to teach it.

The Conversation

This article was originally published on The Conversation.
Read the original article.

Building a Better Anxiety Drug Through a Deeper Understanding of Protein Structure

MSU’s Center for Mitochondrial Science and Medicine funded modest research into TSPO, which recently turned out to be an important brain protein. The National Institutes of Health has now taken on much of the funding. So what’s this hot new discovery? A protein that has lead the psychiatric, medical and neuroscience communities to a new understanding of some of the most common brain disorders. Fei Li, MSU postdoctoral researcher and co-author of the university study, explains why a deeper understanding of this one protein is such a big breakthrough:

“One reason that TSPO’s function has been so hard to pin down is that many studies have been done in the complex and diverse environments of whole cells and tissues, where a clear-cut interpretation of the results is difficult,” said Fei Li,  “We were able to obtain a pure protein that was still functional, but isolated from these complications.”

The team of researchers extracted TSPO proteins from bacteria instead of humans, but the protein is nearly identical. The scientists hope to be able to gather enough of TSPO from humans to take this research to the next level with increased funding.

“When we compared the two forms of TSPO, normal and mutated, we were able to see substantial differences in structure,” Shelagh Ferguson-Miller, University Distinguished Professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, said. “This could be a clue as to why the human mutant form has an association with anxiety disorders.”

This is a noteworthy occurrence in the world of physiology and neurobiology because of the many implications. For instance: one of the protein samples identified contained a mutant TSPO formation, important because bipolar disease is often associated with a higher probability this particular mutation. The mutant structure is too ridged to bind as successfully with cholesterol, leading to statistically poor cholesterol functionality.

Cholesterol problems of this nature can lead to a problem with steroid hormones. Without a regulated amount of cholesterol, steroids hormones in turn aren’t created as reliably. TSPO plays a part in delivering cholesterol into it’s appropriate place in the mitochondria where it would normally be broken down and reassembled into hormones that deeply affect regular body function.

Ferguson-Miller and her team were able gain a closer look at the crystal structure of the protein by creating an x-ray image of TSPO able to zoom in to the molecular level. This new microscopic imaging technology gave the researchers an far superior understanding of the role TSPO plays in the creation of steroid hormones.

TSPO is also found in higher concentrations near regions of the body that have sustained heavy tissue damage. So, you may have seen some science headlines about a big breakthrough in treating anxiety and depression which could lead to treatments which treat the root cause, inflammation of key areas in the brain. Doctors without access to this equipment can still use the findings to better identify damaged areas of the brain now because they can look for TSPO concentrations in a lower resolution(and lower cost~!) image, like a PET scan.

These next-generation treatments could be years away, she added. This is partly due to TSPO was actually discovered in 1977 when scientists were studying the anxiety-controlling quality of Valium. The TSPO protein was deemed “a peripheral binding site” by most studies and never pursued by big pharmaceutical companies as an economically viable way to sell new medications.

“Many other scientists have studied this protein, but what exactly it is doing has been very difficult to determine,” said Ferguson-Miller. “Drugs and other compounds bind to TSPO, but without knowing the structure, their effects are hard to interpret. Now that we’ve obtained the structure, it could provide important clues regarding anxiety disorders and the basis for a new generation of anti-anxiety drugs.”

So, Michigan State University published a great study about the crystal structure of, TSPO, a protein long associated with several kinds of anxiety problems without ever having been fully understood before now. It will be vastly less difficult to design drugs that bind to the protein in various ways now that we can see close enough to identify the shape of the complicated molecule.

Currently popular anti-anxiety, or anti-depressant drugs are taken by one in ten Americans and often have dangerous side-effects including, suicide, addiction and overdose.

Jonathan Howard
Jonathan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY

Premiere PBS Series, “EARTH: A New Wild” Looks Dope

Are you sick of nature shows sidestepping environmental disasters and general negative effects humans cause on the species we come into contact with? PBS has always been a mark of quality programming but this new series has me jazzed up for it’s innovative approach to the discussion of human impact on the environment.

EARTH A New Wild questions society’s conventional approach to nature shows by including humankind’s relationship to the natural world as beautiful locations and exotic species are examined with the production values we’ve come to expect from PBS. It’s a new style that is more appropriate to the ongoing environmental discussion of 2015.

The show is a joint production between National Geographic Studios in association with Passion Planet, the series is hosted by Dr. M. Sanjayan, conservation scientist, who takes viewers on a stunning visual journey to explore how humans are inextricably woven into every aspect of the planet’s natural systems.

The series shows humans and the natural environment interacting by editing footage from 45 shoots in 29 different countries. It shows humans in cohabitation with giant pandas, humpback whales, African lions and Arctic reindeer. Dr. Sanjayan posits that humans must learn to work together with animal and plant life in order to survive as a species.

EARTH A New Wild Premieres tonight, February 4th, at 8/9 Central

Jonathan Howard
Jonathan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY

Studying Gravity

Gravity is one of the most mysterious forces. Gravity is often problematically explained in an analogy wherein it is described as a property of time-space. This explanation was first offered by Einstein and regards time and space as a 3-dimensional, stretchable fabric. Check out this demonstration high school physics teacher at Los Gatos High School in California.

It’s easy to see the effects of gravity but the closer you examine the more vague the cause of the phenomenon seems to become. Physicists have been able to agree for hundreds of years: the more mass an object has the more it attracts other objects. A grade school understanding of gravity often leaves children thinking gravity is simply the force pulling everything downward, toward the Earth. Really, every object that has mass is being pulled towards each other, and the largest mass nearby anything you can see is the Earth itself.

So, you can use a stretchable fabric sheet to demonstrate but because the exact cause is not fully understood, scientists have long struggled to concisely- or even accurately – explain gravity. In short: everyone can see the effects but no one has proven the cause behind the effects.

Perhaps the best short clip on the subject is from the original cosmos series, with Karl Sagan. Check it out~!


Jonathan Howard
Jonathan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY

How Does the Brain Work

This documentary delves into some pretty heady stuff, examining magic and the brain, artificial intelligence, magnetic mind control, and the work of neuroscientist and synesthesia researcher David Eagleman. Can we really believe our own eyes?
Will machines one day think like us? Can magnetic wands effectively control brain functions and treat depression?