Bryan Cranston + Philip K. Dick + TV Series = AWESOME

UK’s Channel 4 has commissioned Bryan Cranston of Breaking Bad fame to produce a 10-episode TV series based on the work of legendary science fiction author Philip K. Dick’s short stories. Each episode will be a stand-alone story and written by Battlestar Galactica and Outlander producer Ronald D. Moore.

All this is said to rival Netflix’s revival of Black Mirror, also a sci-fi anthology series, which ceased airing due to failed negotiations for a third season. Despite it’s critical acclaim and global phenomenon, Channel 4 believed Black Mirror belonged on its publicly owned network rather than the private sector, but Mirror’s producers felt otherwise.

Today, Channel 4 hopes to fill the gap left by Black Mirror with a sure-to-be anticipated new sci-fi series headed by two of the best people for the job in Hollywood. Will it be all it’s cracked up to be? Most likely. The critical acclaim both Cranston and Moore have far exceeds that of the creators of Black Mirror, and that says a lot.

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