About Jonathan Howard

Jonathan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY

The future of Auto Theft
by Jonathan Howard

We live in a time where auto theft is incredibly impractical. Criminals in 2015 struggle to figure out how to get past electronic security and alarm systems,  reflecting an over 90% drop in NYC auto theft since the early 90’s. These days, even a successfully stolen vehicle can be recovered with GPS tracking and incidences […]

Time: fourth dimension or nah?
by Jonathan Howard

Philosophers, science nerds and knowitalls have been arguing about the nature of time since before Einstein and in the century since – but is time really the “fourth dimension”? I got a lot of responses to my previous article, Why is it so difficult to think in Higher Dimensions? , arguing that time is the […]

Office Lens: Teaching the World’s Computers to Read
by Jonathan Howard

Cosmoso takes a look at The Office Lens app, announced earlier this year. Office Lens turns your phone into an ultra-productive scanner – but how? Optical character recognition (OCR) is the area of developing software able to analyze the printed word. OCR is used in handwriting analysis on your cellphone to mail-sorting work-horses at the […]

Chirality and the Asymmetrical Universe
by Jonathan Howard

Chirality is a state of not being able to superimpose over its own mirror image. Anything can be chiral, as long as it is asymmetrical along more than one dimension. Different forms of chirality can be confirmed and used to prove the existence of at least three spacial dimensions.Underlying all of physics is chirality. Without […]

Image of Brain under the influence of LSD
by Jonathan Howard

Lysergic acid diethylamide, AKA, LSD is probably the most famous hallucinogen. Despite the anecdotes of scary and beautiful trips, and the new age rumors of psychotropic medicinal potential, little is known about the actual, physical effects of LSD on the brain.  The drug has been under-researched, regardless of your stance on it, and in this […]

Why is it so difficult to think in Higher Dimensions?
by Jonathan Howard

Humans can only perceive three dimensional space but theoretical math works out just fine when manipulating objects in four or more spacial dimensions. Mathematicians, scientists and philosophers still debate whether higher spacial dimensions actually exist. It’s hard to imagine higher dimensions. Even one additional spatial dimension is hard to see with your inner mind’s eye. […]

A Dozen Questions with Clay Yount, Creator of Hamlet’s Danish
by Jonathan Howard

Where do you live? Where are you from? I’m a Virginian, born and raised. Born in Appalachia, and raised in a small town in Northern Virginia called Warrenton. I went to college at the University of Virginia, and I’m currently living in Fairfax County, Virginia. What is your educational background? My educational background is a […]

Mars isn’t a One Way Trip Anymore
by Jonathan Howard

150 Cubic Meters of Ice Means a powerful rocket fuel can be synthesized on Mars – powerful enough to escape Mars gravity for the return trip to Earth. Turns out Mars has 150 billion cubic-meters worth of ice that’s been frozen for so long it’s covered with Mars’ ubiquitous red soil. NASA knows this because […]

Physics Concepts Intuitively Understood Through Skateboarding
by Jonathan Howard

People constantly manipulate technology without formal training but are not always able to explain what they know. You probably aren’t surprised skateboarders haven’t been using proper physics terms to teach each other sick tricks. Try to wrap your head around Taylor Bray wrapping the board around his front foot while also turning his body around […]

The Ancient Technology of Mirrors
by Jonathan Howard

Mirrors out perform most modern image technologies in terms of resolution, efficiency and user experience. The technology to understand and manipulate light took centuries to develop, and happened independently across many different cultures. Mirrors have helped to shape the modern human mind while also furthering our understanding of math and science. They are an impressive […]